The list of pet grooming services is long. Owners are offered to have their cat’s hair trimmed, dyed, or styled. Not everyone understands the need for such procedures and shares the excitement of having a pet cat trimmed to look like a lion. People generally don’t understand why owners of short-haired breeds need to have their cats groomed. For them, caring for their pet’s appearance is as simple as giving it a bath. Owners of long-haired breeds can only envy him – long hair requires skill and patience.
Practical benefits of “cat grooming”.
Cats with thick coats are not only cared for aesthetically. If you don’t comb your cat’s fur regularly, you risk causing serious health problems. He will tend to swallow the hair left on his tongue when he is licked.
It’s thought that the animal can clean itself by regurgitating the hairballs. But if the hairballs are not completely regurgitated, the residue passes into the intestines, where it mixes with food. This leads to the formation of lumps called bezoars. They increase in size and become thick. Bezoars can cause intestinal obstruction, ulcers, and bleeding.
Another problem that cat clipping can help solve is tangles. A tangle is a compact mass of hair that has formed from matted hair that has fallen out and is growing in. They cause a lot of discomfort to your pet. They are quite difficult to deal with at home. As long as the tangles are small, they can be easily removed – either with scissors or with a special tool.
Cats do not like the procedure, and cutting the coil is not very attractive. If you have a lot of lint, you can not do anything at home, but you should never leave them there. They prevent the skin from breathing and cause diaper rash.
Sometimes cats that have been shorn are treated immediately after the haircut for all kinds of dermatitis due to the untimely removal of many tangles.
Are there any negative effects of clipping?
Clearly, clipping cats is essential to keeping long-haired breeds looking attractive and healthy. But it’s often easier for owners to trim a cat’s hair than to give it proper care. Are lazy owners the only ones who clip cats or are there other reasons?
Why should a cat be clipped?
– they fear that the cat is hot in summer, forgetting the frequent temperature fluctuations and the ability of the skin of animals to thermoregulate;
– to get rid of skin diseases, believing that if a cat is shaved headless, the problem is solved;
– They want to get rid of hair throughout the house because of prolonged hair loss, but hair loss is actually more influenced by diet and stress ;
– follow fashion and get their hair done like a picture in a magazine or on the internet.
Unfortunately, shaving hair can also have negative consequences. For example, the structure of the hair becomes thinner, and tangles form more quickly. The skin of the animal changes: it becomes dry and loses its elasticity.
In very rare cases, hair stops growing in certain areas: alopecia develops. This problem is caused by excessive cooling of the skin and a change in the proper growth of hair. But, to be honest, there are also many benefits to going to the groomer.
How the procedure is done: at home and at the groomer
A distinction is made between decorative cuts (show) and domestic cuts (hygiene). The first one is characterized by the strict respect of the parameters that are specified for each breed. In general, the legs, the back, and the tail are not touched. The price of the show haircut is quite high, but a cat can safely count on the recognition of fans and judges.
Hygienic haircuts are necessary to ensure easier maintenance of the cat’s hair. There are no strict parameters, but it depends on the wishes of the cat owner. It is now fashionable to cut all the hair from the body, leaving only a part of the front and back legs, tail, neck and head of the animal. This haircut is called “French lion” because of the characteristic acorn at the end of the tail.
Every owner of a long-haired cat has wondered, at least once, if a haircut can be done at home. With a little skill, of course you can. You only need two tools: clippers and scissors. It is important to note that a cat trimmer is used to make the process easier and faster. It should be comfortable and make as little noise as possible. The scissors should be sharp, medium-sized, and have rounded tips.
For cat clippings, you will need in addition:
– a fine comb with fine but not sharp teeth;
– hydrogen peroxide;
– a cloth for bedding;
– a small table for the cat to rest on
– a toy to distract the cat from its not always pleasant sensations.
Before the machine is turned on, the cat should be lying on its side. The cat’s limbs should be fixed, and then the cutting should begin. Start with the sides, then move to the cat’s back and belly. Turn on the machine at a distance from the cat so it can get used to the sound. A minimum of 3 mm is recommended. The hair can be cut along or against its growth.
The hair on the belly of the animal is removed very carefully. The key here is to avoid touching the mammary glands and genitals. The remaining hair is cut with scissors. To avoid cuts, the skin is slightly removed. For cats, this unpleasant procedure will be quick and painless if you are gentle with them. Once the treatment is complete, your pet should be brushed and bathed in warm water with a special shampoo. Groomers usually wipe the cat with a damp towel. It is important that the animal is not too cold.
A cat should be groomed 2 to 4 times a year. But animal safety should not be forgotten. An owner must be very careful when choosing a hairdresser for his or her pet. Look for a professional with a good reputation, read reviews, and ask your friends.
Pay attention to the tools used to store the coat. Everything should be clean and properly treated. A visit to the groomer at the beginning of the warm season will help your cat take full advantage of the nice weather. And loving owners will not have to comb the burdock out of their cat’s long hair if he is walking outside.