Most cats curl up and cover their noses with their paws to stay warm, but there’s more to this popular sleeping position. Of particular interest is the raised-leg position, where the cat’s belly is exposed to the public.
This makes the animal more vulnerable and its owners sincerely wonder why some cats and kittens like to lie down and even sleep on their backs. In addition to complete trust in the owner, there are other reasons, including pathological.
What does it mean when a cat sleeps on its back?
A cat’s belly is the most vulnerable and protected part of its body. Cats reflexively avoid petting it, so very few of them do not resist their owner’s petting.
After falling asleep, the lack of defense increases. Knowing this, animals lie down in a ball or “bun” in advance, which minimizes the number of possible attack areas. But there are exceptions, due to one of the reasons listed below.
Under safe conditions, whiskered animals instinctively roll over onto their backs for trivial convenience. Their love of this posture comes from their childhood when mother cats would roll over their babies and lick their bellies before going to bed. This washing not only stimulated the peristalsis of the intestines but also relaxed them.
If your pet often falls asleep in this position next to you, he implicitly trusts you and does not fear a surprise attack. It’s not easy to earn this attitude, so you can be proud of yourself.
It is sexy.
Another reason is the high temperature inside. Their open bellies and outstretched legs help them cool down faster.
In hot weather, animals tend to fall asleep on the tiles or on the ground. Their breathing rate also increases, as evaporation from saliva allows their body temperature to drop more quickly.
As with humans, the cat’s sweat glands are located on completely bald or nearly hairless areas. The problem is that there are only two: the muzzle and the pads. This often results in wet footprints on the floor in the heat.
You avoid aches and pains.
In case of health problems, the sleeping position is a must. It relieves discomfort in the following conditions:
- Headaches (blood flow to the brain is normalized by stretching the spine in a straight line) ;
- Gastrointestinal diseases and harmless overeating (relieves pressure on the stomach).
If the animal suffers from stomach ache, any contact for examination purposes may result in aggression from the disturbed animal. In this case, the veterinarian should be consulted.
Why do cats lie on their backs but do not sleep
Before directly analyzing the situation, it is important to check if the cat is sleeping. If a cat is lying on its back but is awake, the reason for its position will be completely different.
Defending against attacks
Despite the vulnerability of the belly, in some positions, its exposure is part of the defensive posture. If a cat feels uncomfortable in the presence of other animals or strange visitors, it may lie on its back with its claws out. In this position, it is easy to attack with its paws and teeth.
Playing at
When in a playful mood, cats often turn from side to side to try to grab something with their paws. They show their hunting instincts and therefore avoid touching their belly with their hands or bare feet.
Instead, it is advisable to put a toy mouse, a ball or a teddy bear in his paws. He’ll be more than happy to bite and nibble on it with his hind legs.
Getting attention
Cats are notoriously manipulative. They quickly learn their owners’ habits and reactions to certain actions. We are particularly interested in movements that delight and excite: meowing in response to human speech, pitying eyes, graceful stretching, and fluffy belly displays. All of these are skillfully used to extort treats and attention.
Castrated animals are the most prone to overfeeding. To avoid this, their rations must be monitored at all times. If you don’t respect the daily caloric intake and you feed your pet out of pity, he could have serious digestive problems.
Frequent overeating slows down digestion. Excess food builds up in the stomach and stretches its walls, causing pain and heaviness. In an attempt to eliminate the discomfort, the cat lies on its back and pulls in its paws. This position relieves the pressure on the overloaded stomach.
Leeches in cats
At puberty, cats begin to call loudly for the cat, lift their hindquarters and roll onto their backs on the floor. Do not scold your cat for making nighttime noises. The cat’s behavior can be affected, causing it to act a certain way, regardless of what it wants to do.
Even the most obedient whiskers will be affected for the worse. Try to be patient and, unless you plan to breed kittens, make sure you do.
A similar problem can occur with humans. During sexual activity, discomfort in the groin is caused by increased arousal. It is not realistic to satisfy it by bypassing the mating process, but it is possible to reduce the sensation. This is facilitated by the prone position. Despite its effectiveness, it is best to consult a doctor here too, as it gives a permanent rather than temporary result.
A big belly is in the way
The problem arises not only in overfed animals but also in frankly obese animals and pregnant animals. In the latter case, the kittens increase the pressure on the internal organs. They prevent the mother from breathing, so the supine position is the only comfortable position.
Is it okay to stroke the belly at these times?
This is all very individual. Depending on the circumstances and the personality of your pet.
Active shaking of the legs and antennae are characteristic of the dream phase. Touching at this time can wake the animal and scare it into defending itself. You should also avoid petting an animal that is already ready to digest its claws or that has sore eyes trying to digest what it has eaten.
If your pet is as tactile as possible, it can be touched under almost any circumstances. Caution should only be exercised when he is in pain and during play, when your hands and feet are perceived as prey.
When lying on your back and stretching your paws is not normal
One cat photographer’s photo album is almost 100% photos of his pet. In particular, he focuses on fun sleeping postures. Despite the adorableness of the sleeping posture, there are situations in which you should consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. The presence of a problem can be recognized by the accompanying symptoms, which depend on the disease:
- Paralysis. First of all, the gait changes. The animal collapses sideways and often crouches on its hind legs or stretches them in a relaxed position. Cramping may also occur.
- Stomach and Pancreatic Diseases. May occur with improper diet. Most often associated with vomiting and loose stools.
- Heart disease. Can cause oxygen deprivation and breathing difficulties. In addition to dyspnea and coughing, decreased blood pressure and paleness of the mucous membranes may occur. In severe cases, fainting may occur.
- New growths. These may be tumors in the internal organs or mammary glands. Their growth interferes with gastrointestinal function, requiring a change in sleeping position to relieve discomfort. There is also weight loss and constant apathy. The latter is most noticeable in playful kittens.
- Intestinal problems. Here, as with stomach problems, abnormal stools and vomiting are observed. When the intestinal mucosa is damaged, there may be . Its color depends on where it is affected: scarlet for lower intestine damage and brown for upper intestine damage.
- Urogenital abnormalities. Associated with abnormal urination. The animal urinates outside the litter box or meows miserably in the toilet. The urine itself contains various impurities, such as flakes, mucus or blood.
- Internal parasites cause acute poisoning with their products and damage to organs and mucous membranes. Although appetite is maintained, there is weight loss and the coat becomes dull and brittle. There may also be itching around the anus and rolling on the buttocks.
- In addition to gastritis, ascites, ulcers and other abnormalities, spoiled food, household chemicals, medications and other harmful substances swallowed by the cat can cause stomach pain. In most cases, food poisoning is accompanied by gastrointestinal distress, i.e., diarrhea and vomiting.
If the cat’s condition is alarming, put him on a starvation diet, give him plenty of water and give him a sorbent if you suspect food poisoning. It’s best not to take any other medications on your own before diagnosis, as misinterpretation of the problem may make it worse.
Despite the variations, the main reason to sleep on your back is confidence. Nourished and content pets fall asleep in this position and are comfortable in their home environment. Only if they show symptoms of concern should you be concerned about their health.
This article is intended as a guide only. If you suspect a pathology, consult your veterinarian!