Cats are among the cleanest animals, and they avoid normal human hygiene routines like brushing their teeth or bathing. Their skin is covered with a thick coat and dust, dirt and sebum accumulate at their roots. It can only be removed by shampooing. For many pets, this procedure is very stressful and they can injure themselves or scratch their owners. Another solution is to clean the skin and coat it with dry shampoo for cats.
Composition and characteristics of the product
The product is a fine and light powder of white color. The product contains talc or white clay, which is a very absorbent substance. Dirt, grease and dead skin cells are absorbed by the adsorbent, then they are removed and the cleaning process takes place. The sebaceous glands are not blocked. Antistatic agents are added to the dry cat shampoo to prevent the product from sticking to the hair and to facilitate its removal with a comb.
Show cat shampoos are popular with show cat owners when they travel to another city or country and do not have the option of washing their pets with liquid soap. It is also recommended to use it during the cold season so that your pet does not catch cold after washing.
There are several types of dry shampoos:
- powders or powders ;
- sprays ;
- Foams and mousses.
There are many companies that produce dry shampoos. But every owner wants to choose the best for his cat, and the most convenient for himself. The following products are recommended for pets:
- Trixie Trocken shampoo, which detangles even the longest hair ;
- Gold Premium, designed to thoroughly clean your pet’s skin;
- Mr. Gee, which has drying and healing properties;
- Cliffi, to prevent tangles;
- Waterless Cat Shampoo Spray, which has strong anti-static properties.
When choosing a cleaner, it is important to read the information on the package. In addition to basic cleaning shampoos, there are medical, anti-parasite, cosmetic and coloring shampoos. These are used to enhance the natural color of the coat, making it smooth and shiny.
Recommendations for use
Washing your pet with dry shampoo is quite easy. Before using it, you should brush it well to remove any dirt and knots.
How to use dry shampoo:
- Apply the product evenly all over the skin and massage with a soft cloth, for example a microfiber cloth ;
- Leave the shampoo on for 3 to 5 minutes;
- Using a fine-toothed comb, comb all the shampoo through so it doesn’t stay on the skin.
Some things to consider. If the cat has sensitive skin, there is no need to rub the powder into the skin. If the cat is allergic, you should choose the dry shampoo carefully, avoiding perfumes and dyes. If the skin is damaged, cleaning should be avoided altogether. If the cat’s skin has dandruff, you should choose a treatment with an exfoliating effect. If parasites are found, buy a dry flea shampoo.
The sprays and foams are applied to the skin and coat using the sprayer provided with the bottle. The best place to wash your pet is outside or on the balcony. If this is not possible, the room should be ventilated.
Dry shampoos in powder form can be used from the age of three months, sprays from six months. Chemicals are not the only thing that can frighten a baby: the noise of the shampoo squirting out.
As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to use the cleaner at least once a month. Some products are suitable for more frequent use. This information is usually printed on the label.
For short-haired breeds, powdered shampoo is the best choice. Long-haired cats are more comfortable with a foam or mousse.
Can you make your own dry shampoo?
If dry shampoos for animals are not available in your city, you can try making them yourself. There are several recipes to make them properly:
You will need bran, baking soda, cornstarch and oatmeal. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The bran should be ground with a coffee grinder or blender. Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The oven temperature should not exceed 120 degrees. Once the improvised shampoo has cooled, it can be used. The method of application is the same as for the products in the store.
The second recipe involves mixing equal parts of cornstarch and baby powder. Some homeowners use baking soda instead of talc.
Opinions on these mixtures are mixed. It should be remembered that cornstarch tends to absorb moisture and give up gluten in the process. If the cat’s skin is wet, the starch will absorb it, swell and stick to the coat. It will be almost impossible to comb through this mass, and the dry cleaning procedure will end with a thorough washing.
If there is baking soda in the mixture, it must be removed very carefully, otherwise the animal may get food poisoning from licking.
There is now a wide range of dry shampoos available in pet stores, the price of which is less than 150 rubles. It is better to use professional cosmetics than to expose your pet to risks.
Every cat owner should make sure to observe the hygiene procedures, including shampooing. Dirt left on the skin can cause allergic rashes, dandruff and itching. Skin parasites (lice, fleas, intradermal mites) are less likely to live on a clean pet. Dirty hair tangles more easily.
To avoid all these problems, dirt and dead skin cells should be removed periodically. You can buy a special shampoo from a store or make your own.